Sunday, June 19, 2011


Want to know more about dreams?.... want to know how is the dreams occur in our brain? now i'm going to reveal to you some of the best facts about dreaming...... and here are the Top 5;

5 minutes before you wake up, about half of your dreams is forgotten.... therefore, once u wake up, about 90% of your dreams will be gone and only about few % that you still remembered.

All the faces of human you met inside your dreams must be appeared in your daily life before. But sometimes you might met some unfamiliar faces in your dreams, and this occur most probably because you might not know this person but you have meet him/her before in your daily life.

You can dreams anywhere every night before you will enter the specific location in your dreams. Basically your dream can even hit four to seven dreams in just a single night.

Men tend to dream more about other men. About 70% of the dreams in the men are focused on the other men. i have no reason about this matter as the scientist still doing research on it. For women, a women's dream consists an equal number of men and women. so women's dreams more consistent.

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a normal stage which involved rapid movements of the eyes. REM sleep in adult humans typically occupies about 20-25% of total sleep, about 90-120 minutes of a night’s sleep.During REM sleep, the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in the brain in order to prevent the movements which occur in the dream from causing the physical body to move. Thus, it can prevent us from any injuries in case we fall down from the bed.However, it is possible for this mechanism to be triggered before, during, or after normal sleep while the brain awakens.

Want to read more, follow the link below.....;

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