Saturday, August 16, 2014

I dun think greeting someone with mrs (when they are really the mrs) is a wrong thing.... This is the greeting that shows respect to that person... I won't step back on this because I dun think this is wrong when greeting someone with this.... Call them miss even though they are not , is totally not respect to that person... Correct me if I'm wrong......

Friday, May 16, 2014

Whenever IM Down

I always back here when im feeling down.....
Feeling something that is really worst in my life.....
Im feel fed up of the people in surrounding of me......
treat them well but yet........
They still think you are useless and selfish........
They never used to treat me well.....
Nor appreciate what i've been done for them......
They never feel grateful for my presence in their life......
Perhaps I should leave this place very soon........
To go somewhere that people might appreciate me.........
I always appreciate what the God give it to me.......
I loves everything prepare and given to me in this life..........
But I cant stand hows the person treated me in that way........
Im feeling weaker and weaker every time they did that to me........
Maybe they only appreciate somehow when i leave the place..........
If the things always be in this way.......
Im sorry i have to leave the place and leave you alone......
Cause from the moment you did that to me......
Im feel no love and caring in this life..........
Im willing to leave if you still do that to me.........
Im sorry............